Jumat, 22 September 2017

Applying The Secret Law Of Attraction To Make Money With Your Online Home Business

It's great when you first get into affiliate marketing and you believe the HYPE about getting your business up and running and earning money within a few days however the reality is very different for most people.

Now I'm not saying it isn't possible to do that but the majority of us don't have the savant like genius of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, where we can write and debug 10,000 lines of code in 3-days!

When I started, my personal experience after purchasing an online course or a series of videos and eBooks, involved about a week of intense study followed by multiple setbacks and problems as I attempted to implemented each step of my marketing sales funnel. Two to three months later I'd have everything in place, and then I'd have to learn and implement tactics to drive traffic to my site!

OK those internet guru's did exaggerate a little regarding the time and work involved but at least they inspired me to purchase their products and services and most of the information I got was extremely useful and relevant. Plus if I was ever unhappy with the quality of the info provided I could have got my money back with the standard 60 day ClickBank guarantee; (although I never did because I estimated the information they provided far exceeded the few dollars I had paid.)

So I had my site up and running and was busy driving traffic however there was another consideration that was to develop into one of the most important factors regarding my success: - That factor was MOTIVATION!!!

Now I know the 'M' word is considered pretty old school these days however I can't stress enough how massively relevant it is to sustain and maintain that drive to WIN; so I've compiled for you a list of techniques that have helped me.

Setting Goals And Time Frames - Start at the beginning, (say niche market research,) and set a timeframe, (it might be a few days or a week,) and how many hours you can give to researching you niche and market during that timeframe.

Listing Of Objectives - Now this is where the 'Law Of Attraction' can really begin to work for you; if you implement this exercise. Lets say you want to earn $100,000 from your online business in one year. Visualize you convert at least 2 out of every 100 people who visit your landing page; buy a product you recommend. Visualize that every customer who purchases will spend on average $100, (many vendors will up-sell your prospect with front-end, back-end and residual products,) so we'll believe you end up with around $70 profit per prospect who purchases through your hop-links. If we divide $100,000 by $70, this means that 1428 people are required to purchase products, (through your hop-links,) during that year. 1428 divided by 365 means you need about 4 sales a day to reach your goal, or about 200 people visiting your site every day!

Affirmations - Write down these objectives and whenever you can, speak these goals out aloud several times a day. An example might be"Hundreds of people visit my website and blog, and a minimum of 4 people, every day, buy products I recommend through my hop-links, and spend on average $100."

Mind Movies - Because my wife and I love movies, this really works for us however dream-boards are good as well so use whatever's best for you. You can see numerous examples of a mind movies on YouTube.

Focusing on the end result - When nothing's happening with your business or everything's falling apart around you and you're feeling down; remember to absolutely keep focused on nothing else but the end result you want to see happening in your life regarding all your business objectives, goals and dreams. Do not focus on the problems, (deal with them obviously but don't continually think about your problems as you'll attract more problems to you.) Instead focus on the dream car you'll drive or the holiday lifestyle you'll live or whatever it is inspires you and gives you a positive powerful emotional response.

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