Minggu, 19 November 2017

Internet Marketing for Newbies - Advanced Affiliate Marketing Strategies for Free Traffic

Lets take a look at some more complex - yet still very simple to scale up and out our CL campaigns on a national - or even international scope.

As with any sort of large marketing effort ,you are dealing in the law of large numbers - you want to drive lots of traffic, have lots of eyeballs in front of what you selling - and fall back on the fact that if enough people are interested in the ad to begin with - click the link - or email you for more info - they are obviously pretty interested in finding a solution for whatever it is they are searching (and you are advertising) for. Some markets are better than others, but in general, any affiliate programs you can find online, you can certainly promote on Craigslist successfully.

You have a lot of possibilities here - from the standpoint of technique, tactics as well as your overall strategy. Lets take a closer look at a few possible approaches we might take for each - and the specific steps we will need to take to accomplish our goal of a successful, profitable affiliate campaign on Craigslist.

After a little bit of research, you decide that you want to promote a consumer foreclosure affiliate offer - as all of the nightly newsshows beat a daily, deafening drumbeat about the precarious mortgage market - and we know that a lot of sub prime loans were issued over the past 5 years - and people are defaulting on those loans in record numbers. We know this to be so because Anderson Cooper and Bill Orielly both said it was true - and those two guys havent' agreed on anything since the O.J Simpson trial...:-) It's a large and growing demographic, lots of desperate people, seems like a pretty good market to get our grubby little hands dirty with ( and of course be of service to the population we are serving ). We know, however about as much about prime interest rates and consumer foreclosure law as we do about Hindu Evolutionary Cosmology. Not to worry - we go over to Azoogle ads - or Cj.com - and sign up ( we preferably did this a few days ago ) and do a search for offers related to Foreclosures - or even a little bit wider out - ( for a potential back end ) an equally as expanding and pressing current marketplace - credit cards for people who have pooped on their credit rating.

You how have an offer to present - as an affiliate of * ABC Foreclosure Salvation Service* - you now need to get their message out to the broadest widest spectrum of potential new customers, and using Craigslist we are going to endeavor to accomplish this, largely for free.

( obviously you could buy traffic targeting the very same audience - but that isn't the purpose of this article )

Using the very same principles we learned in part one of this series - you could very simply log in to the craigslist account for your home city - post and ad for foreclosure help - leave an email address as the contact - or link out to yoursite.com - which would re-direct to the main affiliate site with your cookie - if they buy - you get paid - if they don't - you get babushkas.


( Speaking of links - some people wonder why their ads get flagged/blocked/deleted even before making the showroom floor - there are very few Craigslist rules that I've seen as universally agreed upon as the following: Do not put naked affiliate links in your ads. Just don't do it. You'd be better off spending the 5 minutes it took to construct the ad just thinking deeply about the universe because that's about the same effect you are going to get from putting a click bank code in your copy. Don't use Tinyurl or any other wholesale link cloaking/ rewriting service either - you will get deleted. Trust me, it took my uninformed, cognitively chaotic intellect three nights to figure that out wondering what I had possibly done wrong for the God's of Craigslist to hate my ads so much, so quickly before I had a Eureka moment ) Use simple re-directs - from yoursite.com --> to affiliate site and all will be well with the world )

--------END SIDEBAR-------------

The problem with the preceding scenario - I have found anyway - is you really need a lot of eyeballs for good Craiglist conversions ( for most markets - we will talk about a few you don't later )

So 1 ad - 1 city - 1 offer - might not cut it if you are trying to make real money, and fast.

How about 2 ads - ( two categories ) 1 city - 1 offer?

Better - might get lucky - but still in most affiliate markets, you aren't going to get rich doing this - ( might make a few bucks everyday - which is a good start - but you aren't optimizing your efforts and outcome with this approach.

OK - let's scale it up - 1 offer - 10 ads - 10 cities. Will this work with our foreclosure market? Absolutely it will. How are we going to do it? Lots of ways - let's take a simple look at 1.

Find the 10 biggest cities with the highest rate of foreclosures. Search the news wires, Google, yahoo news, etc....Take the list - match it up with the corresponding set of Craigslist Cities - and start getting organized. ( alternatively, you could just post to the 10 largest CL cities per their corresponding page views/rank - CL used to list their most viewed/trafficked cities on their main page - while writing this today I understand that is no longer the case )

1. Register 10 new CL accounts. Simply open up free email accounts with either Gmail, Mail.com or the like - and correspond those new email addresses with a given city in your preceding list of * top foreclosure cities * When done - you will now have one new CL account for each city you intend on posting in to promote your new affiliate offer.

2. Write 5 good pieces of ad copy. Yea, yeah, yea.....I know - this is supposed to be a given, yet everyone just sort of cheaps out on this because it seems so blasé and you are chomping at the bit to jump in there and start making some money. I understand - I've been equally as impatient and have been equally as unhappy with my results as you are going to be if you simply gloss over this crucial step. Unless you are an absolute tech genius and can control inordinately large volumes of traffic at the simplest snap of your fingers - your success on line ( or off ) will invariably be traced back to the effectiveness of your ad copy. Good copy almost always wins.

3. Take the preceding 5 pieces of ad copy - and re-write them - only this time use a program that will allow you to save your text as an image file. ( I use illustrator - I know there is probably easier/better for this purpose )You are going to simply save this image and ftp it to a web server somewhere - ie - mysite.com/foreclosure.jpg - and point the CL browser to that image rather than using a text ad - thereby giving us effectively, from the CL filter standpoint ( where ad's will be blocked and or deleted for duplicate content ) 10 unique ads. I simply center the image so that it looks just like text in the browser - and then put a unique keyword link both centered above, and below the image directing the visitor to my affiliate re-direct page.

4. Post the 10 ads! I change the email address from the random CL reply address to the main one I am using for this ad ( same one you used to sign for this particular CL account ) just for the random direct emails you will infrequently get - but - with good headlines - good body copy and most importantly - good affiliate offers - you are going to be sending a lot of traffic to the Affiliate - and you will start to make sales! ( if they aren't converting your traffic - go find someone else that will. )

( all affiliate networks have metrics in place which will let you pick the best performing advertisers in your space - don't scrimp on this step either - as a bad affiliate offer or landing page is a waste of your effort and hard work to generate the traffic. So do a little bit of detective work ahead of time - check EPC, network earnings, conversion percentage if available, etc - and you will be in good shape from the standpoint of expectation - vs real earnings. As a side note I have always found a marked decline in the conversion percentage of CL traffic - this is to be expected of course - relative to ppc or even organic traffic - there are far more happy clickers on CL than you will find in your other properly optimized ad campaigns - but - this is the price you pay for FREE TRAFFIC...:-)

Okay - let's look at some potential proverbial flies in our ointment as we plan on affiliate marketing mastery and world domination.

Your Ads are being blocked. Why? TOS violation. Ad's are too similar to others posted in another city. ( your other ads ) Ads are being over posted. Your email address and or account has been blocked ( very rare, and only typically happens for big time spammers to the Adult Personals sections.) Your domain is being blocked ( mysite.com from where you are sending your re-directs ) Your IP is being blocked. Lots of things can happen - ( I have had almost none of the above happen to me - but I know some people who have) so let's cover them below.

First - let's get something very simple out of the way:

Don't be a Jerk. What does that mean? Well - you know what they say - if you have to ask - you already are. But just for those sort of on the edge of the ass who haven't quite fallen all the way in - doing anything destructive, abusive or detrimental to the CL community qualifies you.

Posting a foreclosure ad as an affiliate offer that helps people facing a loss of their home - even if that ad is in 10 cities ( and you only reside locally in one ) does not. Are there some people who disagree with that? Surely there are. But -I don't care - so please don't email me about TOS violations or spammers or anything like that because I simply will not invest the mental motivation required to read it ( unless you fill the first paragraph up with nice things to say about me and my free advice and then stick the nasty stuff in the middle or something after I'm too far in to turn back- I'm a sucker for compliments )

To remedy the above potential problems - Get some throwaway domains - go to Go daddy - register 5 or 6 1.99 .info domain names for the explicit purpose of using these for re-directs and image hosting ( your ad copy that looks like text, but really is a jpg or gif or whatever you saved it as )

Rather than point all of the links to one domain - use multiple url's to diversify the ad campaign. If there is a problem with your Ad copy - re-write it! Don't spoil a great and recurring source of ongoing revenue because you are too lazy to write 10 ads. ( or for that matter 20 or 30 ads, why stop with 10 cities?) Use an old fashioned dial up connection if your IP seems to be giving you ( or CL ) problems. Keep your ads original and as unique as possible - make great offers - time sensitive whenever possible ( and conforms obviously to the affiliate offer they will ultimately see ) etc.

Selasa, 31 Oktober 2017

The First Step in Successful Use of the Law of Attraction

This is the most important part of the Law of Attraction and manifesting money. It's better if you don't have a plan. Leave the plan to the Universe. This is the one practice that brings all the Laws of the Universe into alignment.

You Will Need to Embrace Change

If you are really trusting the Universe, you will have to be happy with whatever comes. And, you will have to stick to your decisions.

I made a decision a couple of weeks ago to spend my time writing. I found I was not that interested in Google AdWords or ClickBank products even though I believed that they could help me to manifest money. I am most interested in spiritual growth. So, the question became, how do I support myself as an info-website doing only what I love?

I had already invested time and money on website marketing tools and information. This was a big change because I was now going to follow my interests and follow my instinct without being realistic or sensible. This would be following the Law of Attraction exactly. I was finally having faith in the Universes desire to manifest money for me.

If Supporting Yourself is a Question

A few months ago I found an article by Steve Pavlina which suggests this: Do what you love to do and focus on that. I agreed with him, but didn't get the whole idea. I thought working on my website was all "doing what I love." However, when I was more honest there are many parts of it that I don't love. I can do them now, but it's not my favorite part.

Steve's message was clear. "Do what you love to do."

This summer, I found so many, many other authors supporting that idea, that I couldn't get away from it. "Find your heat's desire" or "We will tell you your Soul's Purpose". This is often the case when our intuition is trying to get through to us.

Finally, I got it. I got it when a former employer asked me to do some work for her. At first, I was happy to have the work, but luckily, she began to add some stipulations and it became less and less appealing. When I thought more about it, I realized that I didn't want to do this at all.

This was my decision. I was going to turn down paid work if it didn't move me forward spiritually, as a writer, or as a child expert. These are my three main interests at the present time.

This is your most important decision right now, to decide those things that you love doing, learning about, studying, and talking or writing about. Once you decide that, your life will be more fun and more satisfying. This will increase your frequency immediately.

Your Income will Raise with Your Increasing Frequency

This is where everything gets easier and you are over the hump of whatever area you're in. I have seen it in my statistics. Since I made that decision a few weeks ago, our website traffic statistics have almost doubled after being a little stagnant for 7 months. My partner has been affected and was offered free tuition to a program she planned to pay for. I was offered free mentoring with the only man I wanted to study with. I was offered my own radio show. I was asked to take on some new clients at a very lucrative rate. All this just two weeks after I made the decision to follow my dream and to let the Universe find the way.

Sabtu, 14 Oktober 2017

Ideas on How to Overcome a Traffic Violation and Hold On To a Superb Record Behind the Wheel

Typically, even the safest drivers go through the speed limit just a little. However, should you get a ticket for speeding, it can trigger an enhance within your insurance coverage rates. So, what techniques can you use to beat the speed trap, keep most of your cash within your pocket, and not blemish your record?

First off, just maintain quiet. Secondly, do not say you had been wrong. This might be counted against you. Do not act out or be rude to the officer. This type of action doesn't assist the situation whatsoever, but rather makes issues harder for you. If anything, act afraid and such as you will not know anything. Occasionally, an officer will allow you to get by having a warning if they feel you really didn't know you had been speeding.

Be aware of the speed you were actually driving. If you say you are driving less that the mileage on the citation, the judge might dismiss the case and the violation. Whenever you get the chance, take your ticket for the traffic court docket; there ought to be instructions on the back with the citation. Don't' be intimidated or afraid to question that your high-quality be decreased. After all, you are innocent till verified guilty. Pay close attention to what's heading on during the time you receive the ticket. You can use virtually anything at all to possess a case dismissed, including precise wording of the charge, to how the officer conducting himself or herself.

Sometimes picture radar speeding tickets are given. To steer clear of them, research the vicinity in which you received the ticket. It can be a law that signs are posted within 300 feet from the photo radar detector. Most areas do not observe this law. Given that most cities don't have indicators, be positive you look around the area when ticketed, the case might be dismissed if they failed to post one. Inquire the company that developed the photo radar system. The legislation demands that these businesses post maintenance info and prospective mistake data of this kind of gadgets on their internet site. You can use this data in court. Get your exhibits ready for your court docket date. It's essential to acquire inside your evidence the maintenance records from the digital camera, the test results from the corporate that manufactured that digital camera showing its margin for mistake.

Be confident and cool tempered although appealing for the courtroom. Help the judge to see that the individual driving the vehicle could possibly be someone else. Because there's truly no DNA to show otherwise. Secondly, reveal how regularly, or not so often the picture radar device in that location is maintained. Ask the court docket how the digicam can function effectively in that condition. The court's ruling will probably be inside your favor if there may be just a slight margin of fair doubt.

Jumat, 22 September 2017

Applying The Secret Law Of Attraction To Make Money With Your Online Home Business

It's great when you first get into affiliate marketing and you believe the HYPE about getting your business up and running and earning money within a few days however the reality is very different for most people.

Now I'm not saying it isn't possible to do that but the majority of us don't have the savant like genius of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, where we can write and debug 10,000 lines of code in 3-days!

When I started, my personal experience after purchasing an online course or a series of videos and eBooks, involved about a week of intense study followed by multiple setbacks and problems as I attempted to implemented each step of my marketing sales funnel. Two to three months later I'd have everything in place, and then I'd have to learn and implement tactics to drive traffic to my site!

OK those internet guru's did exaggerate a little regarding the time and work involved but at least they inspired me to purchase their products and services and most of the information I got was extremely useful and relevant. Plus if I was ever unhappy with the quality of the info provided I could have got my money back with the standard 60 day ClickBank guarantee; (although I never did because I estimated the information they provided far exceeded the few dollars I had paid.)

So I had my site up and running and was busy driving traffic however there was another consideration that was to develop into one of the most important factors regarding my success: - That factor was MOTIVATION!!!

Now I know the 'M' word is considered pretty old school these days however I can't stress enough how massively relevant it is to sustain and maintain that drive to WIN; so I've compiled for you a list of techniques that have helped me.

Setting Goals And Time Frames - Start at the beginning, (say niche market research,) and set a timeframe, (it might be a few days or a week,) and how many hours you can give to researching you niche and market during that timeframe.

Listing Of Objectives - Now this is where the 'Law Of Attraction' can really begin to work for you; if you implement this exercise. Lets say you want to earn $100,000 from your online business in one year. Visualize you convert at least 2 out of every 100 people who visit your landing page; buy a product you recommend. Visualize that every customer who purchases will spend on average $100, (many vendors will up-sell your prospect with front-end, back-end and residual products,) so we'll believe you end up with around $70 profit per prospect who purchases through your hop-links. If we divide $100,000 by $70, this means that 1428 people are required to purchase products, (through your hop-links,) during that year. 1428 divided by 365 means you need about 4 sales a day to reach your goal, or about 200 people visiting your site every day!

Affirmations - Write down these objectives and whenever you can, speak these goals out aloud several times a day. An example might be"Hundreds of people visit my website and blog, and a minimum of 4 people, every day, buy products I recommend through my hop-links, and spend on average $100."

Mind Movies - Because my wife and I love movies, this really works for us however dream-boards are good as well so use whatever's best for you. You can see numerous examples of a mind movies on YouTube.

Focusing on the end result - When nothing's happening with your business or everything's falling apart around you and you're feeling down; remember to absolutely keep focused on nothing else but the end result you want to see happening in your life regarding all your business objectives, goals and dreams. Do not focus on the problems, (deal with them obviously but don't continually think about your problems as you'll attract more problems to you.) Instead focus on the dream car you'll drive or the holiday lifestyle you'll live or whatever it is inspires you and gives you a positive powerful emotional response.

Senin, 04 September 2017

Profitable Traffic Building - The Beginner's Guide to Endless High Quality Traffic (Start Here)

Traffic building is an essential part of your online business. The ultimate goal is endless waves of high quality traffic.

And you do want endless waves of high quality traffic, right?

Weird Words

We use weird words on the internet. In offline life traffic is something we want to avoid. Thus the phrase "traffic jam."

Online however, you want good high quality traffic in an endless stream. So to that end, I'm going to offer you in this article four laws of online traffic, and then suggest a great source of traffic for you.

4 Laws of Traffic

The Law of Chasing - Don't chase after traffic. You don't have to chase after traffic. And it's my belief that you don't want to buy any traffic (Google Ads, Facebook Ads) until you have a proven system in place that is already making a profit for you.

The Law of Finding - Find out where the traffic is already going. Find out where the traffic is already going overall (Facebook, YouTube) and find out where the traffic is already going in your specific niche (niche specific blogs, etc.)

The Law of Front - Get your content in front of where the traffic is going. This is part of why you don't have to chase after traffic. When you already know where it's going it's then a simple matter of placing your content on those sites.

The Law of Redirect - Then redirect the traffic exactly where you want it to go - your profit pages. Profit pages are pages like an opt-in page for something you are giving away, sign up pages for events such as teleseminars and webinars, as well as sales pages.

This last step is very important to do as even though you may have dozens or even thousands of followers on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc., you do not own those lists. They are owned by the site on which you have that list of prospects. And they can close down your site at any moment.

So you want to redirect the traffic to your profit pages, not only so that you can reach out to them with more info and offers, you want them on a list that you own and control.

A Great Source of Traffic

So here is that promised resource for traffic. Content Directories. Yes, content directories.

These are still valid sources of high quality traffic. With every Google update (Penguin, Panda, etc.) people start to talk about how content directories are no longer useful for traffic.

It's just not true.

What the Google changes do, simply put, is they clean out the crap so the cream can rise. And when you create content with the strategies I teach, you become part of the cream with your content.

Bonus Tip So to get the traffic coming in you've got to get your content out there. And the best way to get your content out there is with content creation templates.